Miss USA Rachel Smith Falls Down - Watch more free videos
29 May 2007
Oops... Miss USA Fell Down
Miss USA Rachel Smith Falls Down - Watch more free videos
27 May 2007
Book: The Case Against Homework
We are currently looking at a couple of pre-schools for our three-year-old daughter, so education issues are becoming more relevant to us. We live in a fairly good public school district, but are still considering other options such as homeschooling and/or private schools. Public schools seem to be more and more focused on standardized tests. It's certainly clear that no matter what type of schooling your children get, it's imperative that the parents are aware of how and what their children are being taught.
24 May 2007
Nullable DateTime in .NET 2.0
22 May 2007
21 May 2007
Open Letter to Opie and Anthony fans (and pests)
This was posted on O&A Fansites as an Open Letter to Opie and Anthony Pests (aka- their fans)
We are at war here and I'm pissed off as all hell. Hyperbole aside, this is very real. Many people are wondering why they should cancel their XM subscriptions. The answer is simple. Opie & Anthony, by their actions towards their fans, have fostered a communal environment among the pests. They sponsor comedy tours and various live events where they stay and meet every single last fan. They show up at F.H. Riley's just to hang out with everyone. They fill the studio up each morning with pests who are able to watch the show as it's created. They take care to treat the PalTalk cameras as an important aspect of the show, so viewers across the country can easily take part. No one, and I mean no one, treats their fans better than O & A!!! And right now they need us--every single one of us--to stand up, be counted and send XM an unequivocal message.
When they were ushered off of the air in 2002 they had a huge backbone of fan support, but it didn't matter. They were thrown under the bus. What's different now is that we all pay for XM Satellite Radio. We will make a difference this time around because we control the purse strings. Every cancellation is future revenue out of XM's pocket. But every single person reading this must RIGHT NOW call XM and outright cancel their subscription. I'm sorry, but nothing else is acceptable!!!! I don't want to hear that someone is "waiting to see if they'll still be on in a month."
XM's actions are obvious business decisions. By offering freebies of 30 or 60 days, they are blatantly trying to keep their subscription numbers up. Why? So when this fades away, as they hope it will, their balance sheets won't reflect the reality of numbers lost! The only way a lost sub will count as a lost sub is to OUTRIGHT CANCEL it now. I'm personally asking you to do this. I am asking you to tell every subscriber you know to do the same. Outright cancellation.
Some want to hold onto their subscriptions to avoid a reactivation fee in the future. Let me hit you with some harsh reality. No one in radio history has ever been 'suspended' without being fired. It doesn't happen and it's only XM's way of trying to spread out the story to avoid mass cancellations. Unfortunately, the ONLY thing XM will understand is a mass cancellation. Can I guarantee that O&A are fired? No, I cannot, but I think we all know where this is going. If we are able to win this war, then XM would be incredibly stupid not to waive the reactivation fees. Clearly by their recent moves they are making horrendous business decisions, but you do hope that logic would return at some point.
What bothers me most is XM's complete cowardice in this matter. Using various despicable excuses for the 'suspension.' It's as if the brave knight faced a tiny little mouse and decided to turn tail and run!! With the absurdity of the recent spate of radio firings, XM needed to not only SUPPORT Opie & Anthony, but to VIGOROUSLY DEFEND them!! Boy, did they let every one of us subscribers down!! How many times can we say it? XM Channel 202 is an uncensored XL SATELLITE radio station. The absolute last bastion of free speech. The press and the pundits that XM bowed to seem to ignore this fact. We, the PAYING fans, will not forget this fact. We pay for uncensored radio. We know it's uncensored radio. We want our uncensored radio back!!
Cancel now!!!!!!!
Thank you for supporting the boys.
--Brother Elmo
17 May 2007
XM Partner/Sponsor Boycott
16 May 2007
Cancelled My XM
Opie & Anthony Suspended by XM for 30 Days
"XM Radio has announced the suspension of the "Opie & Anthony Show" effective immediately. XM will not broadcast the show for the next 30 days. The suspension follows comments aired on the Opie and Anthony Show last week by Homeless Charlie.
The decision to suspend Opie and Anthony was a response by the management of XM Radio to comments made by Opie & Anthony on yesterday's broadcast which "put into question whether they appreciate the seriousness of the matter." The decision was an effort "to make clear that our on-air talent must take seriously the responsibility that creative freedom requires of them."
The Opie & Anthony Show appears on one of XM's explicit language channels. These channels are noted with an "XL" on the display, and regular warnings as to the explicit language as well as how to block those channels."Written by S.M. Reid; Tuesday, 15 May 2007; Full story available on People Against Censorship.
Support O&A. Write XM and tell them you support free speech and will boycott their sponsors until O&A are back on the air. If you are an XM subscriber, be sure to ask for a refund for the time that O&A are suspended.
eric.logan@xmradio.com, jon.zellner@xmradio.com, lee.abrams@xmradio.com, dion.summers@xmradio.com, gary.parsons@xmradio.com, steve.cook@xmradio.com, joseph.euteneuer@xmradio.com, stell.patsiokas@xmradio.com, joseph.titlebaum@xmradio.com, chance.patterson@xmradio.com, carolyn.turner@xmradio.com, dan.turner@xmradio.com, jon.zellner@xmradio.com, kevin.straley@xmradio.com, tony.masiello@xmradio.com, marie.farrar@xmradio.com, david.butler@xmradio.com
*Phone Numbers
Call XMDirectly at: 1-800-XM-RADIO (1-800-967-2346) Or 202-380-4000
Eric Logan
Executive Vice President Programming
aolaim: Radiorodeoboy
Jon Zellner Senior Vice President/Music Programming
(202) 380-4040 (office)
15 May 2007
Ruby on Rails vs. Java video (Hi I'm Ruby)
Debate on Responsibility in Radio
14 May 2007
12 May 2007
Code snippet to convert JobID from MS Fax API
Here's a quick little code snippet which will convert a job ID into the correct format when you're using the MS faxcomexlib.dll. This is needed because you'll get different formats back from a ConnectedSubmit depending on whether your application is running on Windows XP or Windows 2003 Server. However, the format does not vary when you get status change events.
private string ConvertJobID(string jobID)
string hexJobId = string.Empty;
Int64 i = Convert.ToInt64(jobID);
//Match event handler format:
// hex number; lowercase;
// no leading zeroes;
// no "0x" or other prefix
hexJobId = i.ToString("x");
catch // If there's an exception,
// then the Job ID is already correct
hexJobId = jobID;
return hexJobId;
Pop vs. Soda vs. Coke
Here's a site with a map showing the most popular name for a carbonated beverage by region of the U.S. Being from the Philadelphia area, I say 'soda', and really I'm surprised how many people use the term 'coke'. I'm guessing that's the popular term in the south because Coca Cola is out of Atlanta.
11 May 2007
Join People Against Censorship
Free speech includes unpopular and offensive speech. Please show your support.
"Free speech is intended to protect the controversial and even outrageous word; and not just comforting platitudes too mundane to need protection." - Colin Powell
Opie & Anthony (and free speech) need your help
We all knew this day would come. The Opie and Anthony Show is threatened by people who want to control what should be heard on the radio. Don Imus was fired for making a bad joke about a woman's basketball team, JV & Elvis were suspended indefinitely from FreeFM for satire on Asian accents, and now some special interest groups will say they are offended (in order to gain publicity for their cause) because a homeless person commented on what he would like to do to Condoleezza Rice on The Opie & Anthony Show on XM Satellite Radio.
Preemptively, we should contact Opie and Anthony’s bosses and explain why they should stand with them. People usually only write letters when they are told things are offensive. The silent majority loses when they remain silent. These special interest groups who claim to know what should be heard/seen think everything should be nice and not be made fun of. But offensive humor can be refreshing and is protected by the 1st Amendment.
So to prevent the minority from ruling the majority please write, email and call these people. Remind them it is important that a corporation stands up for the users of their product and not succumb to the demands of people who do not. We have enjoyed The Opie and Anthony show for years, and now they need our help.
----------Email Template/Suggestion:
To Whom It May Concern,
My name is _________________, I am an XM Subscriber and currently have ___ subscriptions under my account. My account number is ____________ .
I am a fan of XM general, Opie and Anthony in specific and more importantly, I am a strong supporter of Freedom of Speech.
I realize you will get grief from protesters and those that want Opie and Anthony removed for your airwaves. Please stay strong and do not give in to these special interest groups.
Remember, most of them are not subscribers, I however am. I pay for your service and support your sponsors. Buy caving in to the demands of the few, you lose the support of those of us who are actually using your service.
While you MAY lose a few sponsors, by bowing down to the demands of these groups, you WILL lose customers.
Sponsors will come back, dissatisfied customers will not.
Thank you for your time.
eric.logan@xmradio.com, jon.zellner@xmradio.com, lee.abrams@xmradio.com, dion.summers@xmradio.com, gary.parsons@xmradio.com, steve.cook@xmradio.com, joseph.euteneuer@xmradio.com, stell.patsiokas@xmradio.com, joseph.titlebaum@xmradio.com, chance.patterson@xmradio.com, carolyn.turner@xmradio.com, dan.turner@xmradio.com, jon.zellner@xmradio.com, kevin.straley@xmradio.com, tony.masiello@xmradio.com, marie.farrar@xmradio.com, david.butler@xmradio.com
*Phone Numbers
Call XMDirectly at: 1-800-XM-RADIO (1-800-967-2346) Or 202-380-4000
Eric Logan
Executive Vice President Programming
aolaim: Radiorodeoboy
Jon Zellner Senior Vice President/Music Programming
(202) 380-4040 (office)
10 May 2007
Google Picasa Web Photo Site
I've started posting pictures of the girls on PicasaWeb. There are only a few up there right now, but I'll get all the best ones up there over the next few weeks.
I like the site so far. It's simple and integrates well with their Windows application.